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I’ll try to bring hope and encouragement, especially to those who have reached the point of utter despair and have given up. My aim is to show how the Word of GOD, the Bible, provides a safe harbor of refuge in which to find rest and healing. The Lord Jesus understands the many complex and vexing issues facing us today.
Being an effort focused on men in no way excludes our sisters in Christ. The hope and promises contained in the Word of GOD is for all who believe in Jesus as Savior.
I also desire to encourage those who are skeptics, as I once was towards anything to do with religion or GOD. Any sincere inquiries made concerning the issues visited here will be given my best efforts to answer, or to try and find the answer(s). And, may I say, spiritual life as put forth in the Bible is about a living, vital relationship with GOD the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Keep in mind when inquiring, there are issues within the Christian faith that the best minds struggle with, and have done so down through the centuries since Jesus walked the earth, and still, certain topics and teachings within the Bible remain a mystery.