E113 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - The Hazard of Abiding with Jesus - Part 4 of 4

Hope’s Harbor

Gritty Bible Devotions

Episode #113

Title: Hazard of Abiding in Jesus – Part 4 of 4

Date: July 3, 2003

Contact: info@hopesharbor.net

Key verse: John 15:18 - "If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.”

In this verse, Jesus is warning His disciples of what is to come after He returns to Heaven.

Intro: Have you ever considered the risk you took when you became a Christian? Most of us don’t if we live in a lawful society. But still, the hazard is there. And why call it a hazard? Well, the word also means danger, threat, risk, peril, menace, and vulnerable.

Following Jesus incurs a cost if we set the course of our lives to obey the commands of Jesus. Every command.

Devotion focus: Jesus’s Promise to us while we live on this Earth –

Before getting to the promise of Jesus listen to John 16:33 – “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

So Jesus warns us we will have tribulation in the world. The world in Scripture at times refers to the systems, or governments, not the planet.

But also in this verse, Jesus assures us He has already overcome the world systems of evil intent.

Furthermore, the promise mentioned in the episode focus is this:

John 14:16 – “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever—“ We are never alone.

Here’s yet another promise: John 14:27 – “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  

The peace of this verse is sometimes that of being in the eye of a hurricane. It’s the peace of mind and soul when all hell is breaking loose.

I give these verses to encourage you, and for you to have something on which to place your faith when the hazard of being a Christian becomes a reality in your life. If you and I will read the promises of Jesus and soak them into our minds by continual reading of the Word of GOD, we build up our most holy faith.

This is the only way I know how to withstand the anguish of encountering evil people. And it is really painful when they are members of our family. Some of you know what I mean.

There are Christians in other countries who know about the hazards associated with their beliefs. Some have paid with their lives. Others are in prison for their beliefs. I think it was in the early 1980s when several Christians were arrested in Greece, of all places, for sharing the Gospel on a city sidewalk.

In the intervening 40 years, the world slid even deeper into the darkness of wickedness.

So what can we do to stay strong and provide a testimony to those who practice an evil lifestyle? And more than this- how can we provide hope to those dear souls perishing in their sins…?

First, to stay strong requires that we read the Bible daily, and not only read passages but look into the underlying meanings Jesus intended for us to get. This level of understanding Scripture in the deeper sense does not come with light reading. GOD tests us so that we know just how sincere we are when we go to Him asking for help with understanding and learning… and listen to this… also applying what we learn. Without application, there is no strong growth that is needed to withstand the evil day.

Second, to provide hope to those perishing souls we must be living out what we claim to believe. If we give a shallow, cliché answer when asked about our beliefs, people who are truly seeking will know in a heartbeat our testimony is superficial.

This is why it is vitally important to read the Bible daily, seeking GOD in the pages. Jesus is the Living Word, and therefore He is in the pages of Scripture, waiting for you and me to find Him there. Not our idea of Him, but find the living Son of GOD within the books, chapters, and pages of the Bible.

And become intimately familiar with the Gospel. What it is and what it is based on. And listen, the plan of salvation is not what I’m talking about here.

So let me ask you to consider something. There is a book called Foxes Book of Martyrs. It is filled with stories of faithful Christian men and women who were put to death for refusing to recant their beliefs. The events took place I believe during the 1500s. In several instances, men and women were led to the stake to be burned there as family watched.

They were sometimes given a final chance to renounce their beliefs, but most refused and were burned. Keep in mind, their families were now left without a provider and would end up homeless. And in those days there weren’t any social programs to feed hungry, homeless, children.

Now the question: Do you have the kind of unshakable faith to withstand a death sentence without recanting? I’m not sure I do, and listen, I’m in the Bible most every day, seeking time with GOD, but to know my children would most likely die of hunger with me gone…

I can only surmise those people had such a living experience with GOD on a daily basis they wouldn’t dare deny Him.

In our day dry lifeless knowledge is a common ailment many hold without knowing it. When the hazard of the Christian life comes, what will they do?

What will we do?

Summary: The hazard of the Christian life is when godless people come after us for our beliefs. To be strong enough to endure this kind of tribulation requires a strong, unshakable belief the Word of GOD is our source of life and we refuse to deny our Savior. And how could we after He died for us? Can we not live for Him, and die for Him if need be?

Action to consider: Get a copy of Foxes Book of Martyrs. A warning though: if you’re going through depression and/or severe anxiety, do not read this book.

Next week’s devotion: Why Did Joseph Go to Prison? Genesis 39:20





E114 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - Why did Joseph go to Prison? Part 1


E112 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - Abiding Through Friendship with Jesus - Part 3