E87 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - Discovering Your Spiritual Gift - Part 1 of 7 / Prophesy

Hope’s Harbor

Gritty Bible Devotions

Episode #87

Title: Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts – Part 1 of 7: Prophecy

Date: January 2, 2023

Contact: info@hopesharbor.net

Key verse(s): Romans 12:6 – ‘Having then gifts,  differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them…’

Intro: The purpose of having spiritual gifts,  is 3 basic uses:

1.   To edify (build up),

2.   to exhort (encourage),

3.   to comfort, the church,  and by church this means the whole body of believers.

Devotion focus: Using your Spiritual gift, or gifts

Here is a list of common spiritual gifts:

·         Prophecy

·         Service

·         Teaching

·         Exhortation

·         Giving

·         Organization

·         Mercy

For the purpose of this series, we’ll use these verses as a guide and in future episodes, we’ll look at each of the 7 gifts I’ve listed here.

Please keep in mind all devotions here on HopesHarbor.net are taken from the Bible with the guiding principle being that the Bible is the final word on all matters of faith and practice. Scripture is the standard we should live by.

With that in mind these verses from Romans 12 will help set the tone:

Romans 12:6 – ‘Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith;

Verse 7 – ‘or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching;

Verse 8 – ‘he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.

Gifts are also listed in Ephesians 4, but the context for these seems more for those in full-time ministry. More gifts are also mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12, but the context for these seems more for an explanation of the workings of the Holy Spirit for the Christians of that day.

I know there are those who believe speaking in tongues and interpretation of those tongues is a gift, but Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:8 – ‘whether there are tongues, they will cease…’ / and I take that to mean the ability to speak in other languages without knowing that language. You can study this further if you want to by reading Acts chapter 2, particularly verse 8. Regardless, the intent here is not to debate about gifts, but to study the ones listed here. And in future episodes examine ways we may discover our gifts and use them to serve GOD by serving others.

The first gift we’ll study is Prophecy. Now, in this day and age I’ve heard it taught that prophecy today is a forth-telling of truth, not fore-telling or predicting the future.

In proclaiming truth, a person with the gift of prophecy tends to tell others what they believe in a strong, persuasive way. This will at times rub others the wrong way because it can come off as intolerant. This person will likely have a strong sense of right and wrong and is frustrated when justice is thwarted. You know, when someone gets away with doing wrong.

The modern-day prophet may tend to have little patience with others they see as equivocating, or doing the two-step when truth demands that person take a stand for what is right. This may cause them to discard such people as weak, and no longer have fellowship with them.

The prophet is often open about their own faults and shortcomings. They do this because they see it as a matter of being truthful. As far as being truthful, people with the gift of prophecy often live by strict standards which make it difficult for them to have close friends.

If you have this gift or know someone who does it will help to understand, GOD gave this gift for a specific purpose. Prophets down through the centuries since Jesus was crucified kept the light of truth burning when others would put it out. And they often paid with their lives.

In Summary: GOD gives spiritual gifts to all of us as Christians so that we can serve His purposes on this earth. This service is normally directed to other Christians as individuals, or to the body of believers as a whole, commonly called the church. Not a denomination per se, but to GOD’s people.

Action to consider: If you will read through the gifts listed in the Appendix of episode 87’s show notes at HopesHarbor.net, there is more information there than can be covered in a brief devotion. By reading through the gifts and their characteristics you should be able to identify with one or more of them. But one of them should stand out more than others, signifying your primary gift.

Next week’s devotion: The Spiritual Gift of Service




·         Prophecy

·         Service

·         Teaching

·         Exhortation

·         Giving

·         Organization

·         Mercy


Characteristics of the Gift of Prophecy

• Need to express themselves

• Quick impressions of people

• Alertness to dishonesty

• Desire for justice

• Openness about their own faults

• Wholehearted involvement

• Loyalty to truth vs. people

• Willingness to suffer for right

• Persuasiveness in defining truth

Misunderstandings of the Gift of Prophecy

• The individual’s sense of right and wrong may be judged as intolerance

• The strong desire to proclaim truth may be interpreted as disinterest in listening to another’s point of view

• Frankness may be viewed as harshness

• Interest in groups may be interpreted as disinterest in individuals

• Efforts to gain results may be seen as using gimmicks

• Emphasis on decision may appear as neglecting spiritual growth

• Public boldness and strict standards may hinder intimate personal relationships

The Gift of Prophecy in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Truthfulness                  Deception

Obedience                      Willfulness

Sincerity                        Hypocrisy

Virtue                             Impurity

Boldness                        Fearfulness

Forgiveness                    Rejection

Perseverance                  Contentiousness



Characteristics of the Gift of Service

• Sees and meets practical needs

• Frees others to achieve

• Disregards weariness

• Has difficulty in saying “no”

• Is alert to likes and dislikes

• Has a strong desire to be with others

• Needs approval

• Likes short-range projects

• Puts extra punch to jobs

• Meets needs quickly

• Tends to feel inadequate and unqualified

Misunderstandings of the Gift of Service

• Quickness in meeting needs may appear pushy

• Avoidance of red tape may result in excluding others from jobs

• Disregard for personal needs may extend to one’s own family needs

• Eagerness in serving may prompt suspicion of self-advancement

• May react to others who do not detect and meet obvious needs

• Insistence on serving may appear to be rejection of being served

• Desire to sense sincere appreciation may result in being easily hurt

• Quickness in meeting needs may interfere with spiritual lessons God is teaching those with the needs

• Meeting practical needs may be judged as a lack of interest in spiritual matters

• Enjoyment of short-range goals may result in leadership positions and frustration or disorganization with long-range objectives

• Inability to avoid others’ needs may result in sidetracking employer’s directions

The Gift of Service in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Alertness                        Unconscious

Hospitality                     Loneliness

Generosity                      Stingy

Joyfulness                      Self-pity

Flexibility                       Resistance

Availability                     Self-centered

Endurance                     Giving up


Characteristics of the Gift of Teaching

• Presents truth systematically

• Requires thoroughness

• Needs to validate information

• Checks out the teacher

• Has great delight in researching

• Relies on established resources

• Is uneasy with subjective truth

• Clarifies misunderstandings

Misunderstandings of the Gift of Teaching

• Appears to neglect practical application

• Knowledge may appear as pride

• Appears critical

• Appears boring with unnecessary details

• Appears dependent on research

• Appears to despise wisdom of uneducated teachers

• Appears to lack warmth

The Gift of Teaching in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Self-control                              Self-indulgence

Reverence                       Disrespect

Diligence                        Laziness, slothfulness

Thorough                       Incomplete

Dependable                    Inconsistent

Security                         Anxiety

Patience Restless,           push work aside


Characteristics of the Gift of Exhortation

• Is committed to spiritual growth

• Is able to see root problems

• Prescribes steps of action

• Raises hope for solutions

• Turns problems into benefits

• Desires to be transparent

• Gains insight through experience

• Urges action on clear steps

• Desires to share face to face

• Desires to bring harmony between diverse groups

• Tends to avoid systems of information that lack practical application

Misunderstandings of the Gift of Exhortation

• An emphasis on steps of action may appear to be an oversimplification of the problem

• The urgency in giving steps of action may appear as having overconfidence in them

• May appear to be un-evangelistic because of an emphasis on the importance of spiritual growth and being

a living example

• The desire to win non-Christians through living example may appear

as a lack of interest in personal evangelism

• The use of Scripture for practical applications may appear to take it out of context

• The emphasis on steps of action may appear to disregard the feelings of those being counseled

The Gift of Exhortation in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Wisdom                          Natural inclinations

Discernment                  Judgment

Faith                              Presumption

Discretion                      Simple mindedness

Love                               Selfishness

Creativity                       Underachievement

Enthusiasm                   Apathy


Characteristics of the Gift of Giving

• Is able to see resources

• Desires to feel a part of the work

• Desires to give high quality

• Hopes the gift is an answer to prayer

• Desires to give secretly

• Prefers to give without pressure of appeal

• Is concerned that giving will corrupt

• Exercises personal thriftiness

• Gives to motivate others to give

• Confirms amount with counsel

■ Misunderstandings of the Gift of Giving

• The need to deal with large sums of money may appear to be a focus on temporal things

• The desire to increase the effectiveness of a ministry by a gift may appear to be an attempt to control the work or person

• The attempt to encourage others to give may appear to be putting pressure on people who have less to give

• The lack of response to pressure appeals may appear as a lack of generosity

• The personal frugality by which the individual lives may appear to friends and relatives as selfishness in not meeting their wants

The Gift of Giving in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Thrifty                            Extravagant

Resourceful                    Wasteful

Contented                      Covetous

Punctual                        Tardiness

Tolerant                         Prejudice

Cautious                        Rashness Giving – Unthankfulness



Characteristics of the Gift of Organization

• The ability to see the big picture and visualize the final results of a major undertaking

• The ability to break down the major goals into smaller, achievable tasks

• The motivation to organize that for which he or she is responsible

• The ability to know what resources are available and needed to reach a goal

• The ability to know what can and what cannot be delegated

• A tendency to remove him or herself from detracting details in order to focus

on the ultimate goals

• A willingness to endure reaction

• A need for loyalty and confidence from those who are being directed and served

• A tendency to assume responsibility if no structured leadership exists

• A desire to complete the task as soon as possible

 • A joy and fulfillment in seeing all the parts come together and others enjoying the finished product

• A desire to move on to a new challenge when the previous task is fully completed

■ Misunderstandings of the Gift of Organization

• The ability to delegate responsibility may appear as laziness in avoiding work

• The willingness to endure reaction may appear to be callous

• The neglect in explaining why tasks must be done may prompt workers to feel like they are being misused

• The viewing of people as resources may appear that projects are more important than people

• The desire to complete the task swiftly may appear to be insensitivity to the schedule, weariness or priorities of others

• Singling out people the individual thinks is specially important to his goals may appear to be showing favoritism

The Gift of Organization in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Orderly                           Disorganization

Initiative                         Apathetic

Responsibility                Unreliable

Humility                         Dictatorial

Decisiveness                   Double-mindedness

Determination                Faintheartedness

Loyalty                           Unfaithful



Characteristics of the Gift of Mercy

• The ability to feel an atmosphere of joy or distress in an individual or group

• A tendency to be attracted to and understand people who are having mental or emotional distress

• A desire to remove hurts and bring healing to others rather than to

 look for the benefits of the hurts

• A greater concern for the mental distress than the physical distress of others

• A sensitivity to words and actions that will hurt others

• A tendency to react harshly when intimate friends are rejected

• An ability to sense genuine love and a greater vulnerability to deeper and more frequent hurts from the lack of love

• A need for deep friendships in which there is a mutual commitment

• A need to measure acceptance by physical closeness and quality time together

• An enjoyment and unity with those who are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others

• A tendency to avoid firmness unless the individual sees how it will bring benefit and eliminate greater hurt

• A closing of the spirit to those who are insincere or insensitive

■ Misunderstandings of the Gift of Mercy

• The avoidance of firmness may appear to be weakness and indecisiveness

• The sensitivity to the spirit and feelings of others may cause some to feel the individual is guided by emotion rather than logic

• The attractions and understanding of those in distress may be misinterpreted by those of the opposite sex

• The sensitivity to words and actions that cause hurts may appear to be taking up another’s offense

• The ability to detect insincere motives may cause some to feel he or she is hard to get to know

The Gift of Mercy in the Spirit vs. the Flesh

Spirit                             Flesh

Attentiveness                  Unconcern

Sensitivity                      Callousness

Fairness                         Partiality

Compassion                   Indifference

Gentleness                     Harshness

Deference                       Rudeness  

Meekness                       Anger








E88 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - Discovering Your Spiritual Gift - Part 2 of 7 - Service


E86 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - Bondage of Busyness