E45 - Hope’s Harbor Gritty Bible Devotions - Satan’s Tool - Self Hatred
Hope’s Harbor
Gritty Bible Devotions
Episode #45
Title: Satan’s Tool – Self-hatred – Part 2 of 4
Date: March 14, 2022
Contact: info@hopesharbor.net
Key verse(s): Romans 7:15 – ‘For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.’
Intro: Satan has many schemes. This 4 part series looks at 3 of those schemes. Today, in Part 2, we examine a satanic tool used to defeat and/or destroy Christians. That of self-hatred - this is a toxic, destructive mindset. The root of this mindset is in our old nature. Christians who care about obeying GOD in all things will measure themselves by Scripture, and this is good.
But when we compare our old dead nature with the perfection of Jesus we get into trouble.
So how do we guard our minds against this destruction?
Devotion focus: To recognize Satan’s schemes and not do his work for him. This is the same focus as last week’s episode – E44.
When I was a child many times I was taken to a church that practiced legalistic rules. I came to learn that in order to have GOD’s favor I was expected to do or perform certain duties, fulfill certain rules - perfectly.
This becomes conditional acceptance and is a false belief about GOD.
First of all, we cannot earn GOD’s favor. Second, we don’t need to. Please GOD? Absolutely!
GOD requires perfection, so why even try to earn something I’ll never measure up to? This is a great question and a perfect place to start and unravel the web of false teaching that contributes to self-hatred.
On the cross, Jesus cried out, “It is finished!” just before He died. This means He paid the penalty for sin in full. When I believe this and accept His offer of forgiveness I become approved by GOD. I have GOD’s favor now.
This is because, with the forgiveness received by faith, I am born again spiritually into GOD’s family. I become His child, dearly loved.
All of this happens because Jesus took away the accusations against me. What accusations? Sin’s accusations for one and Satan’s for another.
Listen to Job1:8-11 -
Job 1:8 – ‘Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?"
Job 1:9 – ‘So Satan answered the LORD and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing?
Job 1:10 – “Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land.
Job 1:11 – “But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!"’
In vs 8, Almighty GOD declared Job a blameless and upright man, one who fears (has reverence for) GOD and shuns evil. And yet Satan comes back with the accusation against Job that he will curse GOD to his face if GOD will strike Job’s family and possessions.
Satan taunts GOD besides accusing Job.
If you understand and believe that the Holy Spirit intercedes in prayer for us against Satan, this will bring a measure of peace when we do fail GOD.
GOD tells us in Romans 8:26 – ‘Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.’
Think about this Christian, when you feel like Satan is accusing you to GOD, recall Romans 8:26 and rest in the promise you are safe.
Now about when Satan accuses us to our face. He does this by planting a lie in our minds when we fail and sin. This is the dividing point of spiritual warfare.
Either you will recall Scripture to refute Satan’s accusation or you will yield your mind to the lie you are condemned, allow it to fester, and if you care at all about living for GOD in a loving 2-way relationship, your failure may well cause you to slip into despair.
Summary: Satan may very well accuse you of sin and it is true. You did sin. But he doesn’t stop there: he will go on to accuse you of being condemned, not worthy of GOD’s love and forgiveness. As your struggle goes on, if you don’t recall Scripture declaring you free from condemnation, you will likely begin to hate yourself for sins you struggle with forsaking.
This is especially true for those of us with addictions.
Action to consider: Today, without fail, read Romans chapter 8. Yes, the whole chapter. Then read it again tomorrow, and each day after until it begins to exert power in your mind and begins to change how you think about yourself in light of the sinful nature we are all cursed with. I should say for Christians, were cursed with, for the old nature’s been crucified with Jesus.
Also, remember that old nature still strives for dominance. But it’s the striving of a corpse, in its death throes.
You may find it helpful to read Romans 7 in which Paul describes his struggles with his sinful nature. He went on to write the letter to the Galatians to combat the legalism plaguing Christians there and explains the battle between the old nature and the new, how it will exist until we die.
Take this mindset of self-hatred seriously Christian – it often leads to self-destructive habits and may lead to suicide. As it nearly did to me.
Next week’s devotion: Part 3 – Satan’s Tool: Self-destruction